Comments from pyroclast

Date Story title Comment
2016-03-10 02:45:21 Eternal Darkness: Chapter Five_(0) OnceForgotten, thanks for your comment, that explains a lot; yes the rewrite does change things quite a bit. Is the Prologue going to be included in the new version? I understand Tyler is having some health problems, and this has slowed him down considerably; if people would leave him alone rather than pestering him, he might recover faster and get back to enjoying his writing, rather than finding it a chore. That would be to everyone's advantage.
2016-03-12 09:46:31 A Boy and his Genie - Chapter 03 This is just so puerile, immature and crappy, that I wonder just how old the author is; perhaps not so much in calendar years, but in emotional maturity. Someone suggested earlier that he read a few adult books; I fully agree with those sentiments.
2016-04-21 15:29:41 SOVEREIGNTY 12 Pars, I have to agree with millwright#2, what he says is obviously quite true. We acknowledge your skills, but really feel that you are spreading yourself far too thinly, and thereby reducing the quality of your work. This causes you to rush things, makes your proof-reading spasmodically ineffectual, thus allowing errors to get through. Also, I have noticed that you tend to split compound words, such as "within" into the parts "with" & "in", and sometimes this can completely alter the meaning of your statement. Have you managed to obtain a copy of "Roget's Thesaurus" yet? Amazon have copies, try to get the original, not the "updated" version.
2016-03-20 13:41:39 The Resort Part 3 - Tim finds out about Rachel Hmmmm, some posters are far too critical of Rachel - remember, she was drugged, seduced while drugged, and later again drugged and subjected to a threesome, and that in my book is aggrevated rape.
Julie is also a victim - as yet we don't know the circumstances, but my guess is that R. Henry again will feature as a first-class arsehole-rapist, together with his Security-stud Steve. Poor old Tim, victim, and probably a bit of a wimp to boot; maybe he shows some spunk later.
2016-12-24 10:06:13 The Third Richest Man in the World--Part 3 To answer the previous guy: women never see themselves as perfect, they always need improvement, hence the American Way of Bigger is Better, so they get a boob job. Sad, isn't it?