Comments from pyroclast

Date Story title Comment
2015-12-08 04:50:22 My first Time_(20) Muslim 50 generations of first cousin incest marriage producing retarded and genetically weakened families where still-birth has not occurred. And you yanks want father/daughter, brother sister incest legalised; trying to catch up with the Muslim advantage, huh?
2015-12-10 03:50:38 Pretty Panties_(1) Nice story, but a shame that our "hero" is a rapist; yeah, rapes his own daughter. That's how I view a guy who forces his way onto/onto a woman. Others may say he's just an "alpha" being a man. Whatever. Also go along with the criticism regarding 10 inch penis, average yank is about 5 1/2 inch. And it's quality that counts, size is immaterial. But don't be put off by my comments, they are positive encouragement for you. Keep writing.
2015-12-10 12:27:13 Whoa! Sharon's Sister Susan Comes to Visit III Huh, just another ho-hum story written to the usual yank formula; the only difference the mind-control/auto-suggestion. Just so you dumb shits know, the hymen sits at the vagina's entrance, first line protection to foreign objects for the growing girl's uterus. In utero, it prevents amneotic fluids getting back into the growing fetus's uterus and pelvic cavity.
2015-12-10 11:58:04 A Lesson In Manners OK, a bitchy young woman with a mouth, and prone to violence, got tied up; that doesn't excuse the crime of rape. Sure, she needed to be disciplined, slapped into line, shown the error of her ways; nobody deserves rape. Personally, I'm all for castrating rapists.
2015-12-14 04:31:03 The Act of Vengeance: Chapter 2 This is trash, written to please/tease sick minds; the less we see of this the better as it only encourages the psychos to try it themselves. The high incidence of mental illness in the US needs to be reduced; removal of this kind of crap will remove the insidious goading of participation from the view of those inclined to this kind of violence.
Rape in the community is best dealt with by surgical castration of those convicted of the crime. Nothing like a bit of fear of the consequences of your actions to curb a problem.