Comments from Dudley Dowrong

Date Story title Comment
2019-05-05 13:46:39 Speed Dating With Guaranteed Sex – Part 02 = Donna and Troy Don't think my Hi School lover would have endured this kind of abuse. Nasty . Of course I'm eager to see how Beverly handles Troy.
Even though nasty, a funny & delightful scenario. The extreme contrast between Steve & Troy is so funny (not for Donna). By what she told Steve, twice she had not had a good experience like she did with Steve.
Even the events are pure fiction here, there are hookers that have to deal with similar abuse -- even death. NOT cool.!!
Thank U again for sharing Ur talent with us
2019-05-05 13:46:40 Speed Dating With Guaranteed Sex – Part 02 = Donna and Troy Don't think my Hi School lover would have endured this kind of abuse. Nasty . Of course I'm eager to see how Beverly handles Troy.
Even though nasty, a funny & delightful scenario. The extreme contrast between Steve & Troy is so funny (not for Donna). By what she told Steve, twice she had not had a good experience like she did with Steve.
Even the events are pure fiction here, there are hookers that have to deal with similar abuse -- even death. NOT cool.!!
Thank U again for sharing Ur talent with us
2019-05-05 13:46:40 Speed Dating With Guaranteed Sex – Part 02 = Donna and Troy Don't think my Hi School lover would have endured this kind of abuse. Nasty . Of course I'm eager to see how Beverly handles Troy.
Even though nasty, a funny & delightful scenario. The extreme contrast between Steve & Troy is so funny (not for Donna). By what she told Steve, twice she had not had a good experience like she did with Steve.
Even the events are pure fiction here, there are hookers that have to deal with similar abuse -- even death. NOT cool.!!
Thank U again for sharing Ur talent with us
2019-05-05 14:28:34 Speed Dating With Guaranteed Sex – Part 03 = Troy and Beverly Is Beverly going to enroll her Sons in the Speed Dating roster? Probably not , the lower limit is probably 18 with no upper limit (unlike the armed services).
Author Bailey, U should write a series, or at least a follow up story about Bev & her sons. Like boys arguing over which hole is the best or who gets which hole 1st & Bev having to stop the "word fight."
With Ur skills, I'm sure U could make it more light & comical than most of the Mom/Sons incest submissions available. Even though in the one where both parties have no innabitions or reservations in the sexual relationship, it still doesn't have the lightness & humor of Ur unique style.
2019-05-05 15:35:19 Speed Dating With Guaranteed Sex – Part 04 = Beverly and Jake_(0) Not exactly what I expected. Yet, as usual much better creativity than I could have imagined.
Author Bailey, with Ur unique talent for light & "funny" techniques, U should expand on the relationship with Bev & her sons. Already, she knows Jake is a nice guy with a eager son (now) & her 13 yr old is also eager. Jake is willing to share for his son's sake, loving Bev as he does, I'm sure he'd be willing to share her with her own sons. She'a a business woman, a homemaker (for her sons), seems to know herself with confidence, & knows how to give & receive great sex. What else could a man in his position hope for.
There is so much potential in these characters & scenario/plot. If I had Ur creativity I might try to follow up myself, if U'd help me proofread, edit, etc.
I need to find a "menanieatplay" co-author like MojaveJoe420 has (not for the experience) but writing collaboration. My wife won't do it. She is non-receptive for me to read & comment here.