Comments from Dudley Dowrong

Date Story title Comment
2019-05-05 16:13:35 Speed Dating With Guaranteed Sex – Part 05 = Jake and Cynthia Lovely, & unusual. Good character development as short as it is. The twists of Ur plots male Ur stories so lite & enjoyable. That's one reason I keep coming back to Ur listings & keep on reading.
Do U regularly go thru comments? I haven't done my 6 things to PM any author. I wonder if any ideas, suggestions or compliments ever reach the author. I'm not much as yet on going to the forum but I would like to communicate with some of the other readers & authors that use the forum. Like "The Sexy Housewife", twholt, Tina Kerr, & melanieatplay, to name a few.
2019-05-05 18:13:39 The Imperfect Storm Chapter 6 Mo-Joe--- What is the other website, I want to see how U resolve this situation...
2019-05-05 18:31:02 The Imperfect Storm Chapter 6 TO:: "TheSexyWife", have U written any stories? would U be interested in helping with some "life experience" stories to proof, edit or suggest?
I've not registered on Forum so we can't PM.
For sure, I'm 77 & only want internet help. If we have been reading a lot of the same authors/stores & U read my comments, U should know me somewhat. If any other lady reads this & is interested, I don't know how U could get in touch except here (to maintain our anonymity) Dudley AKA ???
2019-05-05 19:33:07 The Cop and the Bartender A beautiful love story based on mutual respect &I admiration. JUst seeing her apartment told him a lot about her (along with breakfast); knowing he was in law enforcement (saving her life) & treating her like a lady in public & private. showed her a lot about him. Good start.!!
I've not seen it listed as "Cop & Bartender Pt 2" so I'm not sure where to look for the sequel. I hope it's not like MoJo's Ch 7 & 8 of "Storm" This is the first of Ur postings I've read but see U have more. YEA! for us readers
If everything else is like this,I'm going to realy enjoy Ur talent. THANKS
2019-05-05 21:18:27 The Cop and the Bartender - Chapter Two A little more than I expected but everyone isn't married , & attitudes may change some, then.
Stuff, for 1st Ur doing great. I know it's Ur plot & outline but Mel & Joe have done U well also. I'm looking for a writing buddy to post some of my life experiences. I've noticed that (with few exceptions) that women authors (to me) do better than most men. Melatplay seems to have her hard drive full with Joe, U, her own stories in addition to just living.
When I am able to get another computer up & running, I'd like to ave a co-author to help me "get it right" for submission. Internet collabration
I hope all Ur comments sre possitive & U keep putting material on the site. I'll enjoy Ch 3 I'm sure.THANKS