Comments from subkittehslut

Date Story title Comment
2009-09-29 19:56:30 Punishing Rachel, Part Three Ah, dammit... found my own mistakes... and a couple of redundancies. Oops! We live, we learn... I shall continue endeavoring to improve. =)
2009-10-15 14:43:12 You have a lot of potential... you describe things in a way that's really hot. You really need to use paragraphs, as the previous commenters said, and to use spell and grammar check before you post. If you don't have a word processing program, go download OpenOffice... it's free and has everything you need. I think with some technical improvement your stories could be great. =)
2009-10-23 18:18:23 Punishing Rachel, Part Three Thanks so much for all the encouragement!! =D unfortunately, I'm having RL issues, mostly with my internet, am unable to post part 4 at this time, though it is done. I may break down and just re-type it off the flash drive I have it onto my phone so I can post it from here... the task is daunting, though, and I admit I've been trying to avoid it. Thanks for your patience (those of you that have it =P) and the last part of this, plus the first part or two of another series will be up asap.
2009-10-23 18:23:30 Punishing Rachel, Part One Yes, it's true that if you're looking for a quick wank my stories are likely not what you want... I personally am more aroused by sex in context than random scenes. If I hadn't introduced you to the characters in my intro that 'dragged', would the story have been as good? I think not... it would have been some guy angrily faceraping some chick, and who knows why. Perhaps it's odd of me to be more turned on by what's going on in people's minds than just the physical act? Naaah... =P
2009-11-09 02:19:26 The Incubus_(0) Yes, read more carefully before you comment... the author used the terms in their correct gender roles. =) I enjoyed the story, with it was longer. Off to look for more