Comments from subkittehslut
Date | Story title | Comment |
2009-09-19 14:21:59 | Fucking hot, I loved it! I was too caught up in it to be distracted by the typing errors =) | |
2009-09-23 16:09:12 | Reading Allowed, Pt.1 | Has anyone ever noticed that people looove to leave shitty, trolling comments with no name on them? 'Scuse me; who's a pussy? Get a life and quit reading fbailey's shitty writing if you don't like it. Do you really not have anything better to do that try to start flame wars... anonymously? |
2009-09-25 10:25:27 | Punishing Rachel, Part Two | Once again, thanks so much for all your sweet comments! I'm putting part 3 up today, so hopefully it will be validated by the end of the weekend. I will absolutely finish this story and post the rest on this site; however, after, I may move on. It's becoming more and more obvious, the more I look around here, that my stories are never going to have a chance at widespread readership because I'm not child-molesting or fucking my dad. It seems those are the only postings that get a lot of response. It's unfortunate and disturbing, but since I can't change it, I'm probably going to find somewhere else to post after this story. I'll link it, of course, for those of you who find deviant, violent, fucked up sex between non-related adults hot. =) Oh, and for fuck's sake, don't get your underpants all in a wad if you dig those other types of stories, I just mean this site may not be my type of audience. I need to find a more BDSM-oriented site is all. |
2009-09-25 20:37:25 | Pink Little Girl Panties | I like the concept, but you should never end a story with an elipsis, unless it's at the end of "To be continued..." Also, proofread a bit more closely... it's 'prostate'. 'Prostrate' means something else entirely. I was happily surprised to find out this was NOT a pedo story, with that name and 'young' as a genre. Not bad at all, really... just categorize it more accurately next time. =) |
2009-09-25 22:05:11 | Reading Allowed, Pt.7 | Even without any "sex" per say, your stories still make me long to be her. =) |