Comments from subkittehslut

Date Story title Comment
2009-09-05 12:30:14 Sacrilege Chapter 1 Hahaha... I find it hilarious and slightly ironic that someone would whine about the blasphemous bits... why would you read a story called 'sacrelige' if that offends you? *rolls her eyes* I agree it could use more details, but it was pretty hot anyway. However, when I see 'reluctance' as a keyword, I don't expect everyone to be so into it... the one girl only objected once and then got down and dirty with no other problems. Just my own peeve... I was looking for some force.
2009-09-06 14:54:46 A Three-way with my Husband and... the Dog? Might not be 'realistic'... I wouldn't know because I've never done any of it either... yet... but still very hot. Good job; I'd love to see more on the same theme.
2009-09-06 15:11:07 My Wife Rose and the Stray Dog Mm, so hot... I admit I'm kinda scared of the idea of a dog that huge though 0.o
2009-09-09 11:58:07 Tarnheim Academy Pt 1 To the person who 'can't see a (Domme) muff-diving her victim' you missed the whole fucking point of why she did it... and adding guys would DEFINITELY have changed the mood... I agree with the last poster, write your own stories. =P excellent, hot and ripe with potential. Nice setup... give us moooore!
2009-09-09 12:11:16 Tarnheim Academy Part 2 I do hope you intend to continue... not only is it insanely hot but so well-written!