Comments from subkittehslut

Date Story title Comment
2009-09-28 09:31:56 My sister, the Bitch (was taken down i found it) *facepalms* WHY IS EVERYONE TELLING THIS POSTER GOOD JOB? He made it clear it's not his, and it's still on the site under the ACTUAL author... go uprate HIS. He's the one who deserves it.
2009-09-28 13:42:30 Tied up for the night Where was the rape, exactly...? I liked the story, but the genre choices are misleading.
2009-09-28 14:05:47 Camp Wanafuk, part 2 I wish it would quit surprising me, the way people whine about things in a story that are listed as genres. Apparently it takes greater than average intelligence to be able to skip past stories with themes one doesn't like, because I see an awful lot of morons.
2009-09-28 17:38:41 BLACK FUCKS> White This is silly, and what's with all the blank comments? I agree whole-heartedly with the first comment.

But um... Ragunzen... calling another dude 'babe' doesn't exactly make you sound straight...
2009-09-29 09:29:38 Punishing Rachel, Part Two I really did put part three up for validation on Friday... and I'm still waiting... I think that 1 or 2 day thing is not so accurate. I'm really surprised, and sorry for the wait. =) thanks again for your encouragement.