Comments from Cybrgigolo

Date Story title Comment
2009-05-11 13:07:06 When I learned How Loved the story Katie - look forward to more tales - or is that tails?
2009-06-12 18:20:11 A little slow to start with the ending where it was - but definitely hope there is a part awaiting validation.
2009-06-12 13:31:03 Army Camp oh for fucks sake continue!
2009-07-07 13:03:52 THE HUMILIATION OF JENNIFER Love your imagination dear. I do hope you continue this story line and also hope you get as wet as I am hard! Nicely done!
2009-07-16 02:46:14 TRY IT ON FOR SIZE Love your stories and writing styles. I know all too well how long and hard it can be to write consequent chapters to a story. You have several that I would love to read the sequels to. I hope you get the chance to continue and post them. Thanx for sharing with us all.