Comments from Ghostrider939

Date Story title Comment
2011-04-25 22:31:57 Fantasy becomes reality_(0) AJ, Very good beginning and I'm looking forward to a sequel, but if I could make one suggestion. . . .some people find large blocks of text hard to read and it would be far better to read if broken down into paragraphs.
2011-04-25 22:42:38 The Hitch-Hiker, Part 3 Loved the whole series, and, like you , love this type of story. Keep up the good work.
2011-04-26 04:44:23 Christmas With The Family Chapter 2 The family that plays together, stays together. . . . .Thanks Huggy. Really enjoying the story and hoping for a part three
2011-04-26 05:05:31 Christmas With The Family (Re-Write) Great story. Gotta be more
2011-04-27 09:31:06 A Family of Building Blocks Really good story, well presented with good character development - few mistakes with names but overall well worth it. Also looking for Pt
Two and thank you for sharing. Positive vote and 8/10