Comments from Ghostrider939

Date Story title Comment
2012-10-29 01:01:27 Sister Seduction: Part 1 Also be a lot better if this fucked up site fixed their bloody programmes so that the double quotation marks were recognised. BUT anyway I felt that this deserved a Positive Vote as a first attempt . . . . .will not score so again if the spacing issue is not corrected.
2012-10-30 15:58:21 Birthday Present Revised How can somebody who obviously has the smarts to write a good story, write such mindless, totally idiotic . . . . .ohhh I get it. This is a deliberate spoof on all the pathetic drips on this site who believe pregnancy is necessary (probably to bolster their own feelings of inadequacy in the 'wedding tackle' department. Good Job
2012-10-30 21:19:38 Silken Ties That Bind Fantastic. Loving B&D is fine. I just have issues with pricks that think causing severe pain makes them more masculine, when in fact, it proves their stupidity and lack of humanity. Beautifully written. POSITIVE VOTE
2012-11-02 17:17:49 Daddy can't say no anymore to his girl Normally when I see a story without paragraphs, I just move on and think highly derogatory thoughts about an author who is so arrogant they think their readers should love them whether they feed them crap or caviar. In this instance, I read the story - and loved it. Still piss poor spacing but a really good story. I'll download and rearrange the way it should be and probably read it several times. Anyway - Positive Vote - Well done for the story. Poo Poos for the spacing.
2012-11-02 18:04:07 Lisa's Morning After Pill Because you lot are such retarded little fucks, I'll write this really slowly. First, TBC - I assume you are trying to censor me from reading whatever I want to and not express my own feelings on the subject matter. What are you, a fucking Neo-Nazi or just a fascist. And you're the dumbfuck who ended his comments with "I liked it man" And the author is a woman.

Anon 17:31:02 is just an illiterate cretin who can't even SPELL a short sentence. And needs the story to have even more physical viciousness in it. Class Act.

Last but not least Anon 10:27:50 - It's relevant to know I am an atheist. About 2000 years ago a few guys, called wandering story tellers, told a story of a great teacher called Jesus of Nazareth, but, as story tellers do, they embellished the stories with idiot untruths like 'born of a virgin', 'walked on water', raised the dead etc. A couple of hundred years later when writing became popular these stories were written down And now people say it's TRUE