Comments from Ghostrider939

Date Story title Comment
2012-11-06 19:16:25 You WILL be my princess!_(0) Loverbr, This is POTENTIALLY a very good story, shockingly written with no clue to where capital letters should be used, poor use of grammar and no use of paragraphs at all. Normally I would not even READ a story so poorly presented, but I persevered and found the premise of a really good story so I gave you a positive vote for that. I hope that if there IS a Part 2, you get someone to proof read and point out errors BEFORE you present it. As previously mentioned there could also be a lot more detail. Don't assume that because this is a sex site for horny old devils like me, that we don't expect some reasonable care with your writing. Out of ten, I would rate this between three and four.
2012-11-06 20:46:38 the day i found my son fucking me Childish Idiotic CRAP
2012-11-07 18:30:49 Really good story with some utterly stupid mistakes. 'hot an ear to ear smile' and ' I hot a good at how smoking hot she looked tonight'. 'Emily inductively sat down' - I don't know where 'induction comes into it. Rubbish like this makes a story hard to concentrate on and therefore easy to dismiss. I know g and h are next to each other - hit the correct one. If you read the story out loud to yourself you can pick up some errors.
2012-11-07 18:32:37 Ohh Yes. I gave a positive vote for the story and hope you follow this up with a Part Two, without silly errors.
2012-11-11 23:45:06 You WILL be my princess!_(0) masterj - pleased to see there are still morons content with the 'dumbing down' of the general population to match your idiot level. Phyco - thank you for your understanding - something masterj can't hope to attain. Anon 01:51:53 - since you wouldn't have the intelligence to learn, you probably don't know about the custom called 'droit de seigneur' or The Medieval right to take to wife without permission. Since this was a valid law, IT WASN'T RAPE