Comments from Happy Rabbit
Date | Story title | Comment |
2011-06-18 07:38:25 | Uncle Bob's Carwash | Lub: This is perhaps your bedt work yet. Its been well worth the wait, of course we need a part 2, 3, and so on. We can only guess who made the baby. Love the different setting and the Car Wash idea is wounderful. Remember Happy Sex, and Happy Endings. I agree I would rather have my Son Fuck His Sister who he loves and cares about the some stranger who just wants to get some. I would like to know weather Uncle Bob is the Fathers Brother or the mothers Brother, and if the mothers Brother what went on between them. Perhaps Boo or Bumps is his Son or Daughter. The idea of Daddy being 1st up is very common in some cultures. Sweden, Denmark, Holland, Ice land and the neitherlands in Gerneral among them. That Hot blonde Pussy is never wasted. People merry their 1st and 2nd Cousins all the time. You just do it No one says shit, you do not evan have to move. Every now and then you look in the Paper and see people with the same last name nothing like a Mrs Smith-Smith with |
2011-06-22 17:48:12 | Lost Sailor - Chapter 2 | This is a great story from a great location, as i said i researched it WOW. Don't understand the heated swimming pool at the resort in Malaspina but the rest is wild. We had a Good Ferry going in Hawaii for a short while, until the Enviromental Morons and Airline money stopped it. Plus a weak Gov that did not want anyone to get hurt in the protests. DEstroyed Hundards of Family Wage Jobs, Commerence, and support jobs. I was planning on seeing the other Islands after 8 years but not to be. I did go to the open house.. Nice Boat so much care taken to be safe in the inviroment high tech all the way. Part of what piss them off was that their was going to be a 2nd Boat that was in Part going to be used to carry our Striker Brigade from Ohau to their training site. Also the ability to move Repair Equipment and Builsing Equipment back and forth. I have not flown (my wife and kids have) sence before 9/11. I do not like dumb ass guards. I like to look things up I read about |
2011-06-22 17:49:49 | Lost Sailor - Chapter 2 | Lets get her PG, with all that Love Juice. Twins one boy one girl. You have great locaton and grat places this tail can go. |
2011-06-22 23:30:08 | Uncle Bob's Gas Station | I can even picture now the Gas Stations and Mini Marts that an SBA loan could obtain, Ones in Laie, right near BYUH and the other one is in Waianae. Everyone is mixed with everything out here and if you do not cause problems, no one says shit. They will just figure that Mindy got knocked up by some G.I. and when he found out about it he dumped her. CHild Suppport is so unenforceable that she can get WIC and Section 8. if she meets an Hawaiian and merrys him, you can buy or inherit (him) into Hawaiian Home Stead and live at a reasonable price. People here live 2 or 3 familys to a house here all the time. Only way to survive. Most areas are very mixed so No One Sticks Out. A least 3 Genders of People. Look up Mahu and see what i mean. How about a story about Uncle Bobs Hamburger Stand. Best Loco Mocos In Town. (look up Loco Moco hit images). Great work. Your people develop and you move seamlessly. |
2011-06-24 19:32:01 | My first time with robby | I think she is a little young. I would perfer 14, that said i really did like this story it was fun to read. She seems to be a bright girl and if she does not know what she is doing she knowswhere to look it up. I like 14 because of some of the legal issues as in being old enough to say yes. 18 is a little young to raise a teenager, 22 would have been better, she can be the Girl Friend or what ever else she needs to be. In a few years reinvent as Robby's Wife and Mother of his kids. I hope Robby both has a job and stops drinking. Or at least getting drunk. Plus she has to go to school. Maybe Not that day in the story but most everyday. it is the emotional aspects of the age rather then anything else. The Women may be fucking her brains out but the child is still there. Good Story Good Job, XNXX is not short of space so please space, makes it easyier to read and understand. Good Job lets see part 2. |