Comments from Happy Rabbit

Date Story title Comment
2011-07-24 02:05:16 My son and I_(2) This story is just so very very good. Its in my favs.
2011-08-02 20:10:10 Mother's Milk_(0) Yes its been done but so what. Its a really good story. I have never read ti so its new to me.
2011-08-05 16:06:45 it happened on vacation (and continued at home) pt 9 You are a fine writer and i love you work.

I understand not wanting the stuff on your computer at work. The Computer at home you can always do a drill down and hide the file.Get Windows 7 for Dummys. and get office 2010. 3.3 is okay but Free is just that you get what you pay for.

As for the GF you should perhaps consider a New one. One that either writes herself, or does not mind you doing it. Will evan watch a Video with you now aand then. Then do some of the stuff in the video. Never force it and try not to always want more and more from a person who is trying to get along.

A pissing contest on allowing access to Porn is never good for a relationship.

She should have No Objections on moral grounds as she is living with someone out of wedlock. Which is far worse then Romance Writing to some people.

What do you Harlquin is if not thinly hidden Porn.

Sci Fi was dead till Female Writers Started writing Porn Romance. Check out the Pern Series Books.
2011-08-08 19:03:03 (Day Two) Loving Lisa?s Pretty Pink Pussy Petals Jackass; You are vone of the best Adult Romance Writers out there. So just ignore the Negative Commits, you stories are outstanding.

It s hard to keep things fresh with just two people, but this is incest so the fewer that know about it the better. These are adults,
Sence you planted the seed then lets have the baby. Twins perhaps one boy and one girl. Happy Sex and happy endings. Great Story keep it up. I have read some of your early work and it is just as outstanding.
2011-08-13 23:44:12 it happened on vacation (and continued at home) pt 14. The Final Part This was a great series and you are a fine writer and i have this in my faves .