Comments from Happy Rabbit

Date Story title Comment
2011-09-04 03:41:27 "Bless me, Father" Real good story it is in my Favs.
2011-09-09 16:51:14 Hung Like a Horse I really did like this story, it is interesting and has some nice twists and turns. Lots of common sense among the Teenagers.

I think you could develop things nicely with visits to one anothers homes, at Christmas and Thanlsgiving.

It does need a sequal and a happy life. Its in my Favs because its Cute and Different and the Sex and players are happy, with no Adults getting in the way.
2011-09-16 23:16:52 MOM WANTS TO BE MY CUM-BUCKET! - CHAPTER 8 Great Story if you servive the Hospital be sure to continue 10/10 on the whole series. You are in my Favs.
2011-09-21 18:35:18 Jeanie's Big Boy I loved this story as told from the Moms point of view. It is different outstanding and in my Favs. Some things make my Favs because they are good and i want a direct link to the writers body of work, To do this you only need to Fav 1 Story.

In the last few months some good authors have joined the site. I still miss the Masters who left over the Censorship thing which the site was right, that was an awful hack job and most likely cost them a lot of money.

A couple are back doing young porn but not bringing a numbered age into it leaving that to the reader. Good Compromise. I want my work read so I will follow the rules.

I am story bording a new girl that came to me a couple of days ago. She is about 14 and an Albino.
2011-09-21 19:00:28 Jeanie's Big Boy For some reason people get all twisted up about Incent, Be it Sister, Brother, Daddy Daughter, or Mom and Son.

It goes on so much it is just that the people that do it and enjoy it do not talk about it because of the law.

Incest has been going own from the Dawn of Man. The old Testament is ripe with it. The Blood Line would not lead to jesus had it now been for not 1 but two different acts of incest, to include a sudection by a women of and older man. Ruth and Boaz I believe had some great sex. That street was not as one way as you might think it was.

Be that as it may if you are not going to Church on Sunday Morning whay not having Incest with you hung son.

Here we have a close age mother and son, Mother is still in prime time, now she has a doublle load of fresh young in her pussy, all we need is an egg and we can have a baby or twins. I am not so much into Daughter having Dads baby but Cute Mom having Sons Baby is way Hot. A least Son will not leave her at the door step