Comments from Happy Rabbit

Date Story title Comment
2011-11-16 17:22:01 It's Jeffs Turn I would suggest that an Incest Reltionship would undergo the same strains as others plus a few more. Yet on the other had not so many because of how well the people know each other. Problem comes when one wants to stop and the other does not.

Slightly older sisters an brothers and my passion Sister, Brother Twins, Mostly because i like to see the female both on board and in control are different yet. My other interest which is Handicapped Sex and those that are not suppoed to get any getting some.

I have found myself at 65 finally coming to an exceptance stage that life is not going to go on as it once did and that is just the way it is.
2011-11-16 17:22:11 It's Jeffs Turn I would suggest that an Incest Reltionship would undergo the same strains as others plus a few more. Yet on the other had not so many because of how well the people know each other. Problem comes when one wants to stop and the other does not.

Slightly older sisters an brothers and my passion Sister, Brother Twins, Mostly because i like to see the female both on board and in control are different yet. My other interest which is Handicapped Sex and those that are not suppoed to get any getting some.

I have found myself at 65 finally coming to an exceptance stage that life is not going to go on as it once did and that is just the way it is.
2011-11-16 17:22:15 It's Jeffs Turn I would suggest that an Incest Reltionship would undergo the same strains as others plus a few more. Yet on the other had not so many because of how well the people know each other. Problem comes when one wants to stop and the other does not.

Slightly older sisters an brothers and my passion Sister, Brother Twins, Mostly because i like to see the female both on board and in control are different yet. My other interest which is Handicapped Sex and those that are not suppoed to get any getting some.

I have found myself at 65 finally coming to an exceptance stage that life is not going to go on as it once did and that is just the way it is.
2011-12-08 21:53:42 A Day on the Dunes This one is in the Favs. Great story and very well written. A best from the best.

As you know you are a great writer and what has been posted here lately is very close to dribble. So I read a good but not great story of yours called Jennys Big Boy. I linked off if the to your body of work and found this one I had not read yet.

It is different and from the female point of view which I love.

Now we need a part to for this where the kid, gets some pussy and perhaps they have a baby.

Your getting into upper middle class near do wells much as a friend from Vegas did before he went ape shit over the age limits thing. This is okay as it gets the work thing out of the way, explains the nice toys, and gives lots of time for Sex. After all this is fiction.

Good to see your work as always, I have been on a Porn Break do to so Health Issues so I have not read a lot or posted.

We thought I had congestive heart failure but its failing kidneys instead adjestment in meds buys time
2011-12-08 22:11:16 A Day on the Dunes 41 year old Pussy in even fair shape is not bad. My oldest step daughter had two boys right around 40, and she always has been hot as hell.

We where close but when she was 10, my fat assed X Wife was fucking a 400 pounder in the down stairs apartment while I was working graveyard shift in a prison 2hrs away. So I had to do somthing short of killing people mostly because fat ass at 400 pounds could not move and always had some one around him.

I had another piece of shit new be guard living in the unit next to me but he was useless because he mostly wanted to sleep and tell his wife stories about how we might get killed when we went to work. Which where mostly bull. However he was working scared so cut him some slack. His wife was young, domestic hot, and I am not sure what idea in his right mind would would leave her alone at night.

The guy who Rented the Apartment Downstairs was showing 8mm Porn Movies with little kids hanging around . For some reason I did not stop him.