Comments from Happy Rabbit

Date Story title Comment
2011-06-29 18:08:25 Wow!!!! What a great story, don't want to lose this one in my favs already. Just a great story 10/10.

I would not have had him lose his job as he would have had Life and health Insurence, and would not have had to worry about Collage or taking care of his sister. Perhaps when the dust settles we will find out that there is some insurence eith from him or their mother. This would be nice you should not be screwed out of your education just because you are trying to do the right thing.

Perhaps they should go to the Mothers Relatives and perhaps things are not as bad with them as it may seem the Olive Branch may have been put out and rejected by the parents. They have had to deal with a lot with their daughter. Things are not always as they seem.

I love the Real Time Stuff it makes the story so much better. I am a Roller Coaster myself so I love plot changes and suprizes,

We do need to get a cum load inside the Pussy Not On It. Cum ggoes In, Not On. To me she is still a
2011-06-29 20:43:41 Meeting Michelle Why would she go back to the Boyfriend, even with the pending deployment.

Great Story Loved it from strt to finish, great job. Lots of room for PT2, ex boyfriend encounter and perhaps a marriage and baby before he deploys.

This girl had been put down and Phyco beaten for awhile, losers do that to women and women take it hoping to chande the loser rarely works.

Sadness is once abused the women who are not strong tend to go back to it. Or find it again in another person.

Some women become secure in themselfs and find Strong Men who can handle them. The men are not alway stronger just know how to handle her and secure enough in themselfs to let her be herself.

Marriage or Life Parnership is not about the inflection of wills upon each other. Its about cooperation, loving, trust, and caring.
2011-07-01 17:06:23 Mikey and Nancy Mickels Part 1 Thank for the better rating, I worked hard on it Not the Story so much that either flows or does not. I hate to edit, but I see it as a must. This Story would not have worked with out massive editing.

The Story takes place in the Now, Past and Near Past and flows freely between times. A little hard to follow sometimes. Mikey who does most of the talking is very involved in the action.

Remember the kid in the Cereal Commerical Him but a little older. is the best site to see pictures and get information. This is very real and these are very real Human beings.

They are said to not be able to reproduce but that is not so, a lady in England gave birth to a baqby girl a couple of years ago, made international news breifly. She was told she could not have a baby but her and her husband did. I believe the baby was born C Section.

In most cases the Pussy is behind the dick.

Key word Nude Twin Hermaphrodites, 3 rows is a picture of my role models for this
2011-07-01 17:23:46 Mikey and Nancy Mickels Part 1 You will also under that Key word heading see some of deformed Sex Organs.

As in most cases of sucessfulbdifferent relationships the people involved are mostly quite about it.

No one except a Junkie like Ms Philips goes around saying I fucked my father John, oh pure victim me.

I want to thank Bill Gates and George Allen because with out the Information Superhighway. The research for this would be impossible, let alone the publishing. I am glad neither of you where aborted.

My Passion is the Right of the Unborn to be born and live. I am not A Right To Life Person. I piss most of them off. I am pro birthcontrol, Hate Dead Fetus Picture Wavers, disrepect to the dead. And I detest Sin Debters As depressed fatasses who live under their moms bed but never get any. Who in the old days watched for their Mags in Brown papers wrappers and today look at tight clothing sites but not nude teens.
Reglious people are often judgemental of others. Despite the Band Leader saying Not to b
2011-07-01 17:41:41 First Time With Mom_(0) Good and I enyoyed it, natural relationship progression, in cases such as yours. The biggest crime iand shame is wasting it wishing that you could do it. She was Ripe you where ready things happen.

If Incest is good enough for the Royal Familys of Europe it should be good enough for the rest of us.

I used to do some venture Captial stuff and Dog Breeders are fun andthev return is good. Eating Places are not I lost my ass on Lamb
Burgers and Fried Rabbit, I happen to like Lamb Burgers and Fries and although i lost my ass, I never felt bad about the venture. Thank Goodness for Wally World.

I would like to see some more of your work.