Comments from Happy Rabbit

Date Story title Comment
2011-07-13 18:53:22 accidental_cousin_part2 I came across both Accidental Cousins and Part 2. Off of a link from a story you wrote about sailing. Checking your work that got my interest up. So I read Accidental Counsins and really loved it, being able to relate to the Army Stuff and every thing. A great story that I like a lot.

Now Cousins 2. Is much better and a very smooth transation and building of a relationship. I was hoping that the Wedding Night Before Baby would be his. However your soluation was evan better.

Great story great ending, and very very well thought out and written.

Both Stories are in my Favs. Usually I only Fav 1 of a series as you can link off the 1 to the others. However in your case i wanted Both.

I thought that i was reading perhaps one of the Best, Incest Romance Stories that i have seen written. About midway into the 2nd one I realized that for style and content and the love and humanity in the story it was the Best.

In time lets let the Father/Uncle get togeather and have a baby. Ret
2011-07-13 19:14:46 accidental_cousin_part2 Lets let the Retired G.I Father,Cousin, Uncle, get togeather with his Counsin, Neice/Daughter, and have a Baby. 14-0 age spread in Hawaii until 2002 and evan after that let me almost assure you no one will say anything. I do not think Cousins are close incest anyhow.

In Arizona 1st Cousins a legal marriage.

Somthing nice could happen to her husband, New Girlfriend etc. As a result Cara and the kids come to Hawaii. Good hookup and happy sex with happy endings. Cara's late life child born at Tripler AMC along with Her Daughters Baby, Born perhaps at or very near the same time at perhaps Queens. The Cousins get Married, perhaps waimea falls.

I am a little sad that they did not get togeather at the end except fo making the Baby, however perhaps this is not the end.

The 25th Inf Div is Stationed In Hawaii. During a Re-Up he could move from Inf to Supply and get far less field time.
2011-07-13 19:22:50 The Hidden Pool In folklore people like this exist in many places. Keep it going, different type of story.
2011-07-17 03:38:40 Also Shooting someone with a Stun Gun is a crime that you can get alot of time for.

Lets work it so that the Hawaiian gets some pussy. Perhaps the friend that drives the sister to school.

The law student who had to go to school part time and was told by some that he would never be anything but an ambulance chaser was driving up to his class reunion.

The smaart frat boy lawyer said to him. What did you do Rent the lexus or do you work at the car lot.

I other Lawyers answers. I do know the owner, and he gave me a discount because I got him out of some tax trouble and married his daughter. Also I cought a few those Ambulances.
2011-07-17 03:50:27 Don't take them down just clean them up and repost. Its called a comparason in contrast. Then v Now and you becoming better.

Most people are one day gunna write a book (like gunna read insted of just wave the Bible) but they find out that writing is hard. Evan with all the new toys. Its better with the net and spelll check and to an extent Gram Check although I believe Gram check messes with style.

Sometimes when Gram check says its a Fragment and you try to fix it and becomes a either a bigger fragment or loses passion or meaning. You just have to let it go. Correct English can also look very silly, and is not the way most people talk.