Comments from Happy Rabbit

Date Story title Comment
2011-09-22 20:25:17 Mom's Kids I Fuck The Grammer, that is some hot Sister Brother Shit, loved it. NO One talks with good grammer, kids certainly do not.

Aprv2. Writes like people talk which makes for real writing. That was some great stuff.

In my Favs and more then waiting for Part 2.

She has not been vaggie fucked yet so its Not incest Yet its not incest yet, just two good blow jobs.

I the Blow jobs are that good the Vaggie fucking should be out standing. Also they could find out that there mom and dad are Sister and Brother.

Great Writing. Just way fucking byound good and she is only 14. This chick can fuck and be fucked for years before she evan gets out of High School..

The chick being Hot and Game On is such a turn on. Game on is part of being hot anyway.
2011-09-23 20:36:55 My Life As A Hermie Part 3 – Growing Up I can only agree with the Great master Writer blueheatt.

This story and series is so well written and so well done. I needs to continue. Perhaps meeting another Hermie.

Would making love with yourself and making a baby be considered Incest?

Could you Merry yourself for the social bennies.

I like this where she has had a lot of sexbut not with a lot of people, her sex life is well thought out.

Her relationship with the 2nd boyfriend could continue when he is home from school, or the first guy could come back into her life.

Also Tom and jen and her could just hook up. She could get Jen PG.

Tom could get her PG.

If she has a baby (fuck the clerk, hope it a middle aged Religious Bitty). Could they have the same condition and be twins and have sex with mom later.

So she fucks herself and has Hermie Twins and they or Tom knock each other up. One of the Twins knock mom up and Mom knocks both the twins up. Knocks Jen up and Tom plays stud daddy.

All of cour
2011-09-23 20:37:56 My Life As A Hermie Part 3 – Growing Up I am now going to read blueheatts story that gave you this idea.
2011-09-23 23:28:28 Feeling My Daughter: Part One This is very very good lets see part to.

I think that might be one of the reasons I like Incest, I had No Sisters or Brothers and my mom feld home when I was 9.

My father kept moving with his lonely Hearts BS and staying in one place long enough to make a connection was hard.

This is a happy story and I would like to see it go on as such.
2011-09-24 07:22:09 Sharing My Room With Sis 10: Abby's Fear Among the very very best.