Comments from Happy Rabbit

Date Story title Comment
2011-08-31 00:41:27 My 1st Wife and Traitor Jane Fonda Sorry Minor Mistake on my part. Would not lie on purpose.

What you do is go to Google an Key Word in Traitor Ja at that point the Drop Down list shows Traitor Jane Fonda cleck on that line and it goes to a Major Web Site and Deals with the Traitor and Her Issues.

If you just do Traitor J she is the 3rd one down. Over 273 thousand results. So she is concidered a Major Traitor which she is.

I know this works as I just did it. You do need Traitor and a least the J to get the result. Traitor Ja gives you the whole name in the drop down. First Web Site under Web gives you the whole story.

if this Traitor had Not Done a Page in Time Mag i would have never wtitten the story at least Not In The Way i Did. However I stand by it as it is what happened and I saw it, her and Joe MacDonald.

Also the Part about my 1st Wife. I was not going to do the Interracial thing because because it was not Black and White.
2011-08-31 00:55:41 My 1st Wife and Traitor Jane Fonda That said the person that should have been my father spilled his gutts on D Day.

The 40 almost 40 year old person who became my father was Black and American Indian and had a College Degree, on of his many issues was under achivement. He met my mom who was working as a waitress on the Cape and had a real low self image because of the Stigma of Rickets. Stigma over anything was a big thing in the New England, Brought on and expanded by Trailor Trash.

My object is that when he started to hang out with my Mom, No one hung him. He married my mom and they far from lived happyily ever after.

I should have been born white so I could have been a Nudeist. Also gotton laid sooner and easier. However I was not and I have had to deal with it my whole life, one reason I live in Hawaii.

i see this story is going heavy Negative however it was done for me and a little bit for my 1st Wife and to deal with the Reality of Commie Traitor Jane. If you did not like it then read somthing else
2011-08-31 01:08:46 Mikey and Nancy Mickels III I realize that this story does not have a lot of S&F. It does not because I did not want to mix it with the other stuff. I needed to Not Kill him because killing him would cause parts 1, 4,and 5 not work. So he had to recover. Almost dying on the Hump was a good idea.

I will most likely end this series in Part 6 or 7 or Fast Forward however i am working close to real time so I can't do a lot of that. So about Part 7 we will pause for the cause. As their are other things i want to do. As you may know people who have different disabilityies and Travel to different places are my thing. I want to get these kids to Fiji., and I almost got it worked out.
2011-09-01 17:50:01 My cousin and I_(4) I liked you story, your work is very good. So she mover with you to the East Coast lets hear about that next.

You worry to much about what other people might think, just write. Let the chips fall where they may
2011-09-01 17:55:00 My cousin and I_(4) The story is good i put it in my favs not so much for the story but because i do want to keep track of you as a writer as you have great potential. You appear to have all the basic tools and are a good story teller. Beleiveable Fiction is much better the Fiction that is just to far out there to work, although some of that is very good also.

A lot of Sci Fi Fiction has become reality Dick Tracys Watch for example. What None of us saw coming was the internet. Thanks George, Bill and Steve.