2010-12-17 14:02:20 |
Vampire Ethan's Story About Ethan Part 1
I can that appearantly some people don't know A dam good story when they read it if they are giving it negative to me this was A positive all the way this story was so good while reading it my mind kinda started wandering into A view of what this story would be like for real you really had me enthralled in this story please continue this is just to good to leave like that in suspense as to what is going to happen. |
2010-12-17 22:35:13 |
After swim training
This was A great story would love to here more about these two. |
2010-12-19 14:22:46 |
The Knock on My Bedroom Door
This was A great story it had me getting horny just reading it there were A few problems with the grammar but U could easily make out wht wrd shld be there instead of the one in place but with the way this story wnt it kinda didn't matter about the grammar majorly it was told to such A good extent the grammar was not A big problem please continue writing about these two this story was so good I would love to see more wriiten about what is upcoming for these 2 . |
2010-12-19 14:23:03 |
The Knock on My Bedroom Door
This was A great story it had me getting horny just reading it there were A few problems with the grammar but U could easily make out wht wrd shld be there instead of the one in place but with the way this story wnt it kinda didn't matter about the grammar majorly it was told to such A good extent the grammar was not A big problem please continue writing about these two this story was so good I would love to see more wriiten about what is upcoming for these 2 . |
2010-12-19 21:29:31 |
Tommy and Jade
Please you have to continue this story how can you leave it where it was left off . |