Comments from Fix'm

Date Story title Comment
2011-05-04 01:18:31 How I Met Her - Revised (corrected spacing) Well I see that the cretin trolls have been at it again. I guess they simply cannot comprehend the fact that their negative votes are actually a sign that my story is really pretty damned good and far better than anything they could ever do.

Ah well It Sucks To Be Them!

2011-05-04 04:39:50 Two Tales About Jack And Mary Interesting concept - either one could easily be true as I am quite sure both scenarios have happened in real life. I enjoyed the romance of the first and the justice of the second - THX

2011-05-04 18:25:53 simply an outstanding story - Definitely looking forward to parts 3, 4, 5. 6...
2011-05-05 00:19:51 Zombie Holocaust 4 Definitely getting better - looking forward to 5, 6, 7 and so on although you might consider making them a bit longer than the approximate 2000 words you have here - say maybe 5,000 or even 6,000 words - THX

2011-05-05 10:30:37 MY SISTER'S PUNCHING BAG PARTS 2 & 3 (REPOST) Good Story - would like to see where you take it - THX
