Comments from Fix'm
Date | Story title | Comment |
2011-05-05 13:33:01 | How I met her | Anonymous reader 2011-05-05 00:03:49 -- While it is true that there is a Port Orford, CA located just south of Lompoc, CA if you were to look at a map of the southern Oregon coast approximately 65 to 70 miles south of Coos Bay, OR there is a beautiful little town called Port Orford, OR - THX Fix'm |
2011-05-06 10:45:28 | ME, MY GIRLFRIEND AND HER BEST FRIEND: PART THREE | By all means chronologically!!! - THX Fix'm |
2011-05-06 15:03:45 | Sorry Ghostrider939 I have to disagree with you. I don't like slavery under most conditions and especially not under the conditions set forth in this story. The author of this garbage is an obvious pedophile and as I stated in the comments at the end of the first story scum like this are beneath contempt. There can be something quite beautiful in the relationship between a younger child and an adult and several writers on this site have treated the topic with a great deal of sensitivity and respect. However, using young children, especially prepubescent ones, as personal sex toys to be brutally used and abused for that person's own sexual gratification is neither interesting nor original, it is simply sick and disgusting. I am very much against censorship in any form however as with shouting out "Fire" in a crowded auditorium there are some things that simply shouldn't be tolerated in today's society literary freedom / art notwithstanding! -10/10 Fix'm |
2011-05-07 02:30:27 | A Wife's Fuck Buddy_(0) | Remove the other one - I like this version better! I commented on the other version and was told that my post contained "dirty words" and deleted the entire post. Now just wtf is that supposed to mean I don't remember writing any dirty words except maybe blueheatt - Could that be it, Anyway good story - far too short - only had a few typos - Want a 2nd chapter - THX Fix'm |
2011-05-07 02:55:44 | Excellent series so far and I hope you will continue with it for some time. Don't worry about getting either one pregnant until both are of age to avoid any possible legal problems. - THX Fix'm |