Comments from Mark Twayn

Date Story title Comment
2009-10-16 23:35:41 Let me lay down the law Ch. 0 + 1 + 2 It's a good story but so hard to read.
It's not a bad idea to keep paragraphs below 5 lines and double space between.
But hey, you've got talent
2009-10-17 14:03:07 A Very Difficult Daughter Re Comment below Living in same town
It was mentioned right at the start when Jeff and Brian first met in the bar
2009-10-21 00:05:45 A Very Difficult Daughter Re comment below: Sex no good

Sorry the sex didn't smoke your tires. I thought it was some of my best and over 100,000 readers seem to have liked it.

But as they say; it's different pokes for different folks and you're absolutely entitled to your opinion and thanks for expressing it.


2009-10-22 19:47:38 A Very Difficult Daughter Re Comment "Work on the dialogue."

Ouch, that one did hurt. A lot of work did go into it, so I guess that's pretty much my best shot and I'm quite happy with it.
We're probably from different countries which might explain it or maybe we talk to different sorts of people.

Whatever, thanks for your views and they did make me think a bit.

2009-10-23 14:49:11 This time her daughter Re the comment "Basically great"

Can we put the issue about women having Adam's Apples to rest. They do - look it up in Wikipedia if you have to.

The other points about age etc. They're fair enough, but what I wrote is certainly not impossible and I guess as the author it's my choice.

Many thanks for taking the time to comment.
