Comments from darthel0101

Date Story title Comment
2014-03-25 10:57:10 Boy in the grass 33 dammit, forgot to ensure that I was logged in before voting
unfortunately, this story only gets one vote from me because of that
2014-03-27 10:53:49 Boy in the grass 34 Of course, it's the spiders. Max and the girls would have moved into one off the girl's rooms after the bed was made so messy.
I just hate the fact that so many writers think that chapters have to end on cliffhangers.
2014-07-24 17:11:33 My Sister Carrie Glad to see you publishing again.
2014-05-13 11:53:44 Boy in the grass 56 Finally a chapter which is complete and does not end in a cliffhanger
- - - JK - just a friendly jab
I like the story being told and I enjoy the manner of telling it. Keep up the good work.
2014-05-13 12:09:55 A guy and his..........? (1) To the comment maker below: why does every genie story have to be a re-telling of Joe Brolly's? The concept does not allow for many interpretations and a sex site is going to get a sex story.

This chapter is brief enough that you cannot make any comparisons yet between the tales so let the author build his story and tell it his own way.