Comments from luvsalik

Date Story title Comment
2016-07-16 16:48:25 The Kennedys, 1.7: Surprise. Another great episode. I loved the juxtaposition between the enjoyment and humiliation. It's probably like that for a lot who are in to that. What a cliffhanger !! Thanks Luvs xx
2016-07-16 17:21:14 The Kennedys, 1.6: Kiki at Large. I liked this episode, it shows the romantic side to the couple. This shoes a little of how complex sexuality desire and apatite really are and how they can change even by the minute.
Thanks for the work. Luvs xx
2016-07-16 17:38:10 The Kennedys One hot story. I loved this in the KAW still loved reading it again. Very good idea for a story and every man's dream. Well event woman's too. Who wouldn't love to fuck a porn star? Though I'll stick to the guys !
I waa wondering when you wrote had the the second through fourth best looking girls around him, which order that they were in. Think about that very carefully ! Luvs xx :D
2016-07-16 17:44:54 Seen the Lights go out on Broadway. I really liked this in the competition (well you read my review in the forum) but I thought I'd say again how good this was. I said in my reviews just wish Claire had been miraculously found but it didn't detract form it being a great impressive story. Thanks again for the hard work. Luvs xx
2016-07-22 00:09:32 The Ballad of Tam Lin I really enjoyed this story. I loved the comedy the sex was funny and your writing, was complex but simple.

You really know how to write, you held my interest all the way through, had me chuckling , feeling sorry for the rascal and loving his "true love"
Fascinating subject and you made it totally enthralling.
Ill definitely be reading more if your other stories are as entertaining, flow like this and are of this calibre. Thanks for the hard work . Luvs xx