Comments from HM8485

Date Story title Comment
2016-11-15 14:30:01 Tender Trap Wonderfully told and beautifully written. I hope this will turn into a short novel. Thank you for your hard work and the enjoyment you provided.
2016-11-27 12:39:55 All Over Red Rover Beautifully written and wonderfully told! It is such a bonafide pleasure to read a coherent and easily read story, without dicks that would have give a horse an inferiority complex. I astounded at the acceptance of anatomical impossibilities like forcefully thrusting to break a hymen several inches inside a vagina to insert "gallons of sperm into her gaping womb." I enjoy many stories on this site and appreciate the efforts of most authors. However, ignorance worn as a badge of honor usually makes me skip the comments, almost as much as the pedophiles and prepubescent males seeking a hook up.
2016-11-04 18:55:58 Summer Intern Chapter 1 - The Race You write very well and your story flows nicely with just enough detail. Great start! I will be interested to see how your characters develop over the "summer." Please don't keep us waiting too long for the next chapter!
2016-11-25 13:26:25 Jenna and Ryan's First Time Good story with a smooth flow and good detail. You have talent. Keep writing! The more you write the better you get. Thanks for the story.
2016-11-24 13:12:40 Playing Doctor Part 2 Thanks for posting Part 1. The pair make the beginning of a potentially very entertaining series. You write well and tell a great story. I have book marked you and will be looking for more.