Comments from HM8485

Date Story title Comment
2019-11-25 21:43:22 The Stepsister (Opening Series) You write very well, both in the mechanics (grammar, spelling, punctuation) and the important parts of story telling. As this develops, spend a little more attention to character development, which will add depth to your story. You have talent, keep writing because the more you write the better you will get. Best wishes.
2019-11-25 21:44:06 The Stepsister (Opening Series) You write very well, both in the mechanics (grammar, spelling, punctuation) and the important parts of story telling. As this develops, spend a little more attention to character development, which will add depth to your story. You have talent, keep writing because the more you write the better you will get. Best wishes.
2020-02-14 15:30:37 I molested my sister If you want to be a writer, I would suggest that you take a course in creative writing, along with English composition, grammar, and literature (learn from the masters). Try to find a friend who will be honest with you to read your story before you go public. Don't pick someone who will just kiss your ass to make you go away; you won't learn anything from that. Also, take a hint from a prolific writer in the first century BC, Cicero. He advised that when you write something, put it away for a while before you put it out. You will be surprised at how bad that first draft is which will allow you to fix it. I am embarrassed for you! If you aren't willing to do this, find another hobby, please!
2020-03-03 15:45:34 True Massage Parlor Story Chapter 1 - Steph and My First Assjob Just read this story. I get called a grammar Nazi a lot on this site, which makes me believe that a lot of visitors let the little head think for the big head or are about 16 years old and flunking 10th grade English. You write beautifully and I just marked you as one of my favorite authors. You tell a nice tight story with adequate de***********ions of plausible events in a solid style and good mechanics. Young writers would be well served to read your work and learn. Thanks for posting!
2021-04-01 21:55:11 Measuring Up 4 Nicely written with good mechanics (grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc.) I caught a lot of flack over the years for giving new writers tips for improving the flow of the story and that careful attention to mechanics helped make reading the story easier and more pleasurable. The appearance of your writing will influence how people think of you and may even dissuade people from bothering to read your work. Writing is hard work. I made my living writing scientific papers for a couple decades. Be proud of what you are doing and let it show in your work. The more you write, the better you will become. I rarely open my doctoral thesis as each time I do, I find another typo! Keep writing, I like very many of the stories on here now, and haven't abandoned one for poor mechanics, or lack of logical progression. Keep getting better.