Comments from HM8485

Date Story title Comment
2017-09-02 15:41:33 I learn to play Basketball This is the best of your stories I have read so far. Great story and very good mechanics making it disappointing to reach the end. This is far beyond your first stories, and shows considerable growth as an author in just a year. I would like to see more for this story. It has a great beginning; now please let us see the middle and an end. Thank you for your efforts.
2017-11-05 18:53:34 HOMELESS--Part 2 Among all of your stories I have read, I think this is going to be one of the best. Great character building and storytelling. Many of the people who post on this site are barely literate, and many more of the fans are just looking for a stroke story: Male meets female. Male inserts 10"penis (cock) into vagina (pussy), grunts, and 5" in finds a hymen (maiden head), she screams but he pushes on inserting his instrument into her uterus (womb) depositing his semen (cum) directly onto the waiting egg. I come here because there are several really good story tellers and writers like you who don't post on better quality sites.
2017-12-11 17:17:52 How It All Started: My Older Brother_(2) A very good story marred by careless errors. Please do continue writing and find an editor/proofreader, or at least put your story away for a few days, then come back and read it again. If you do this, your work will be of publishable quality. Thanks for sharing your work with us!
2017-12-11 17:29:42 Experiences With My Older Brother P.1_(1) You are getting better already. Your stories move at a good pace, with adequate character descriptions, and a smooth flow to the story line. Keep writing!
2018-02-06 19:47:00 Hitchhiker 2 I'd consider this one abandoned as it has been about 5 years. Not particularly novel stroke story.