Comments from throatHER

Date Story title Comment
2020-06-11 11:54:13 HOBO Chapter Four Another excellent read. On to the next chapter.
2020-06-12 05:29:09 The Dangers Of Being The Designated Driver_(1) Still some issues with not beginning sentences and dialogue with capital letters. You may benefit from having someone edit your story. The basic premise of this tale is good. You only get better by writing more and reading other authors works. I can just speak from experience from how my writing has increased exponentially from my first story 'What Would Steven Do?' to 'What a Difference a Summer Makes.'

Keep up the good work. Look forward to reading more of your stuff.
2020-06-12 08:00:10 HOBO Chapter 5 and 6 Another good chapter. This series definitely has a 'Game of Inches' vibe to it. Sometimes when I write I get caught up in the dialogue between characters which can lend itself to be read like a screenplay. I enjoy the way you move the story along without sacrificing content. I'm taking notes.

Alberto, you really do need to stop the trolling, mate. If you genuinely don't like at least give an explanation to why. I remember you use to beg readers to give you constructive criticism. How about returning the favor and not just down voting because you can.
2020-06-14 06:18:59 Confidence. Well done.
2020-06-20 10:28:19 Ripe; chapter one Very good tale.