Comments from Mathematician

Date Story title Comment
2015-03-30 23:33:21 Poker Night with Sis Part 2 This is the only one with "homo" sex.
2015-04-04 23:08:48 Lonely Mothers Milk Deja vu. Unfortunately it is very similar to other lactation stories. But, it was a classic redone with a little bit of originality and well written.
2015-08-05 13:51:51 In Too Deep, Part 3 As a very inexperienced writer, I never got tired of praises. I hope you never get tired of them either. Your characters were simple but impressive. Your story had a very exciting flow. I could literally feel the emotions. And, there was no out right stupidity among the characters. Some stories botch things up by using stupidity to allow for elements of a story. Ignorance, inexperience, and naievity are fine, but superman hanging from a cliff for dear life while being able to fly is just annoying. Then the finale came from love, honor, and respect instead of desperation. Which added to the triumph. The only thing lacking was that the story came to a great end. It would be painful to read a follow up because you've set the bar so high. If you can work in longevity, while keeping this level of eroticism and suspense, then there are paychecks on their way.
2018-04-13 00:59:58 BECOMING MORE THAN A MOTHER Well written. The beginning was hot and I think it had a lot of potential to go a different route and made for a very intense story. The way it ended up, I didn't care for. Reluctance that borders rape and then some, I can enjoy, but straight up rape is a turn off. As the story put it, she became a "piece of meat". At first she was the mother, a taboo thrill. Then reinforced the mother bit with reluctance, 10 stars! Then drugged and made into a piece of meat. Ruined it imo. Great writing!
2015-10-17 06:15:30 Puppy Girl_(1) How long did it take to get this approved and posted? I noted that at this point it had been up for 20 hours, but I wonder how long ago you submitted it for publish? I submitted over and over, edited, deleted, and re submitted a better final draft.. about 13 hours ago, and curious how much longer I'll be expected to wait..