Comments from Mathematician

Date Story title Comment
2016-01-20 02:51:06 Poker Night with Ma I'm intentionally vague with character descriptions. I, myself, like to imagine a woman to match personality types when I read stories, and I often find lengthy character descriptions somewhat annoying at times. It's like they are trying to dictate my fantasy. A little bit of description, I find ok, because then it's more like a suggestion to me. Or, the description can be functional, like breast size, height, hair length, ethnicity.. I don't mind that.. But a nice vague description allows you to put in your preferred imagined woman, with little interference from me. I hope that answers your question. She looks like what you want her to look like.
2016-01-22 04:59:46 Losing The Super Bowl 2015 It was definitely one crazy ball game, and this story is crazy hot! It's definitely one of my all time favorites.
2016-01-27 07:13:07 I Had Always Wanted ..... Part 1 People here do seem to have a thing for cheesey romance stories. I got bored pretty quickly and just kept thinking that no one talks like this in real life. it's very possible that it's just not the right genre for me. I won't down vote for being out of my genre and congratulate you on successfully gaining a high rating and readership.
2016-01-27 07:39:31 Fine line part 1 Typos could be avoided with spell check and a re-read of your work. And, breaking up your paragraphs and dialogue would make it a little easier to read. I'm also guilty of rushing a sex scene. The build up is the most important part in my opinion, but allowing extra detail and a lengthy description of the process allows one to believe the act of oral, or other sexual act, lasts more than just a few seconds. Good long build up gets people horny, and then a well described event gets people off. For many writers Sometimes the suspense is enough and sometimes the sexual act is enough, but I felt like you were lacking in both areas. Great first attempt though! Please keep writing!
2016-01-30 05:32:18 Lust Part 2 I hope there's more! I hate it when great series don't finish.. Like that dead bastard Miniwand... Hopefully not actually dead, so we can like kill him for not finishing..