Comments from Viewer1060

Date Story title Comment
2015-02-14 06:27:36 Trailer Park Sara Pt. I Hi Nameless, great fast paced story that I liked. a real page tuner. Your formatting was great to my eye most of the story. At the conclusion I was so caught up in the story, I did not notice till latter, You forgot to space between paragraphs or when people are speaking. If you had either an editor or proof reader they would have caught it, That may be in your future.
2015-02-14 07:03:08 Palm Springs Charity Golf Tournment " We need to get dressed and leave. Heather, I will send a limo to pick you up tonight. Be ready by 7pm, I have a huge surprise for you." This is a tease Mr. Writer. My confusion with John being a very skilled lover then why 6 ex- wifes ?
2015-02-14 07:31:42 Daughter - Law Well. this was a shocking story when Valentines Day is tomorrow. 16, 488 people were recording viewing this story by Feb 13, 2015. I have regrettably read appalling Sci Fi sex stories here with revolting monsters that feel far worse than this story. Then the young woman, in this story, is not 12, 13 or 15 years old as in some sex stores here. The index of sex stores has a section titled "Young".
2015-02-14 07:52:09 Life Redone (Part 1 of 10) Next time the hero will bring condoms with him into his past or he is a fool.
2015-02-14 08:19:32 Life Redone (Part 2 of 10) From the Buddha is the wisdom all Life is connected. Also you cannot evade your Karma, maybe you can heal your negative Karma. The hero seems foolish for neither bringing nor using condoms. He is trusting magic to avoid his responsibilities. We wonder what the final accounting will be for the hero.