Comments from RandomRobbie

Date Story title Comment
2020-04-13 07:41:00 Pure Strip Poker Strip poker, or other ‘betting game’ stories are my favourites, along with spanking stories. Betting game stories involving spanking as well as stripping are immense - but difficult to track down (any helpful suggestions). Some editing issues but bearing in mind how difficult it is to write a betting game story that holds up you should be cut some slack. Thank you, I am looking forward to reading the next story in this series in turn over the next few consecutive days. Your story take me back to that naive, innocent, exploratory, curious wonderment of youth:.
2020-04-14 00:08:29 Undertable Service Girls I hope you will be posting more of this story - so pleasant if there was a happy ending for once.
2020-04-15 03:59:24 Vacation at the beach: My cousin (Part 1) Part 2 please.
2020-04-15 04:10:10 Pure Strip Poker - 2 Another excellent installment. Personally I would have liked more interim reflections on the state of undress of the parties, as per your first installment. Also the detail of what your protagonist could see seemed a little lacking, even if not very much that needs stating.
2020-04-15 13:09:30 Pure Strip Poker - 3 Congratulations on Part 3: you did not drop off, another great story! I would have been very happy to have seen a little more detail, unlike an earlier commentator. Just shows that you can never please everyone. For me, detail is very important. A great effort to have devised and written a story around a game for teams of 3. I have played in mixed sex teams of 2 but never more than that - not sure it would have worked as well with two guys and one girl: a different dynamic. The girls were able to support each other when stripping rather than being tempted to cut and run. Wish I had been the guy with two girls. Hoping to have time to read the next Part tomorrow. Keep safe at this difficult time.