Comments from Dudley Dowrong

Date Story title Comment
2019-03-30 11:27:25 Like a Good Neighbor_(0) Very believable. What I'd would expect in the next two Chapters is a expansion of this night's events; wten upon Gloria's return Anna & Gloria discussing more of their husband's manliness & encourage a swap foursome to find out first hand instead of just talking about it..Especially if Anna & Gloria have "sampled" each other.. (The remark Anna made about Gloria admiring her breast & Gloria's cunt being good. It would be no problem to get Boyd & Anna's husband ready for action [didn't get his name])!!
I admire Ur talent & disappointed U didn't continue submitting Ur creative woks. Listedt as a "true story" perhaps Ur life experiences didn't give U enough motivational material; that's where creative imagination takes over. By the story, U've got that nack or while loving Ur husband the suggestion of double activity in the process would not have been mentioned. Use it to expand Ur talent Very tastefully presented.
2019-03-30 11:27:55 Like a Good Neighbor_(0) Very believable. What I'd would expect in the next two Chapters is a expansion of this night's events; wten upon Gloria's return Anna & Gloria discussing more of their husband's manliness & encourage a swap foursome to find out first hand instead of just talking about it..Especially if Anna & Gloria have "sampled" each other.. (The remark Anna made about Gloria admiring her breast & Gloria's cunt being good. It would be no problem to get Boyd & Anna's husband ready for action [didn't get his name])!!
I admire Ur talent & disappointed U didn't continue submitting Ur creative woks. Listedt as a "true story" perhaps Ur life experiences didn't give U enough motivational material; that's where creative imagination takes over. By the story, U've got that nack or while loving Ur husband the suggestion of double activity in the process would not have been mentioned. Use it to expand Ur talent Very tastefully presented.
2019-03-30 15:34:30 Like a Good Neighbor_(2) Some of U asshole horny rednecks don't understand the passion of such a deep relationship as described above. Ur loss ! To me, a beautiful love story with all the "fringe" benefits The best part is the way they could dump all the past baggage they had gathered in previous relationships
In my own experience, I know how hard it is to leave hurts behind & in the past. Of the many crushes & lust (sex) I've had with 10+ women in my 77 yrs, I have loved 4 women; #!/ the first woman I "slept" with, #2/ my 1st wife, #3/ a mistress (for 9 yrs) I found in one of the towns on my sales rounds, and #4/ the wife I now enjoy. There is a difference. When there is love, that lost one is truly missed; a sex toy isn't hurtful, just thought of. My 1st wife & mistress are on my mind too much,considering the the wonderful relationship I have with #4. I guess because of my age & immaturity, thinking of #1 isn't near as hurtful & saddening as it use to be. (Out of space)
2019-03-30 16:19:29 Like a Good Neighbor_(2) (continued) Sometimes, #4 & I weep remembering the 29 yr with my 1st wife before she died & the 19 yrs #4 shared with her 1st husband before he died. Even after 24 Yrs of a good & happy marriage (not perfect but fine enough to hang in, no matter what) For some unknown reason one of us will "tear up". A birthday, funeral, anniversary date, a song, a whiff of fragrance (could be anything) just sets it off. Luckily, we understand very well each other because of the loss each of us has experienced This is so had to write.The love of the past hasn't died, just the focus of that love. The love we share now is different, a new love that doesn't replace love lost but simply expands our heart to allow more love. A parent doesn't love any one child more than another but the love is different. Yes, a person can love more than one person at a time. I met #3 6 yrs before #2 died (in Lust) that developed into love. I never wanted to leave #2 for several reasons, I loved her. (Space?)
2019-03-31 16:25:47 Creating My Hot Wife_(0) The above story confirms in my mind that the female has control of sexual encounters .Of the 10+ girls/women successful attempts of my lust/love,there have been 10 times that (or more) unsuccessful. Look at the mothers, teaches, sisters who have leadership & nurturing position in the life of men (boys). Also the protection of that (weaker sex) delicate, nurturing, loving mind set men have toward girls/women. When a girl/woman, balks at leading sexual advances, I slow down or try a different approach before I give up; It just seemed more manly, polite, & courteous to slow or back off rather than suffering the guilt & remorse of being a jerk for a few minutes of pleasure, forcing an individual to comply to my lustful desires. The cooperation of the 10+ "ladies" places me in a better self image In lite or the 10 times or more times that I've backed off. I want a female to "want" to; builds my ego.