Comments from Dudley Dowrong
Date | Story title | Comment |
2019-03-28 13:34:58 | THE WIVES SWITCH CLUB | BLACKS-- Some blacks have raised their standards, while some white trash just "litter kids" to be more white trash. White trash & niggers are determined by the lifestyle, ambition, & standards one exhibits. FYI, I understand syphilis was introduced to Human STD's by white Englishmen sheepherders that fucked female sheep. Maybe a black slut or rape started it among blacks hundreds of years ago, but it is illness & death today, too. Enough !! Well done, Few errors, good flow, no confusion as to characters or purpose. Just that Tom wanted to watch James (or a man) fuck Jenny, so why did they go to separate bedrooms? They should have talked them into the same bedroom or even a King size bed. Really looking forward to pt 2. Thanks for Ur effort & talent used here. |
2019-03-28 13:36:30 | THE WIVES SWITCH CLUB | BLACKS-- Some blacks have raised their standards, while some white trash just "litter kids" to be more white trash. White trash & niggers are determined by the lifestyle, ambition, & standards one exhibits. FYI, I understand syphilis was introduced to Human STD's by white Englishmen sheepherders that fucked female sheep. Maybe a black slut or rape started it among blacks hundreds of years ago, but it is illness & death today, too. Enough !! Well done, Few errors, good flow, no confusion as to characters or purpose. Just that Tom wanted to watch James (or a man) fuck Jenny, so why did they go to separate bedrooms? They should have talked them into the same bedroom or even a King size bed. Really looking forward to pt 2. Thanks for Ur effort & talent used here. |
2019-03-28 13:53:02 | WIVES SWITCH CLUB PART 2 | Well written again, except, Tom wanted to watch Jenny fucked. It hasn't happened. Also there is the mystery of who do they know that may have sent the invitation? Seems that that person/couple should have made contact by now (or Pt 3 that I cannot find).After all he/she had the "hots" to connect, hence the invitation. Could have been her "hots" for Tom but sent the invitation to Jenny. If she weren't interested, that would be an obstacle to overcome. |
2019-03-28 14:06:30 | WIVES SWITCH CLUB PART 2 | Forgot to add: When a swap meet occurred Tom could say to the wife, "Would it be all right to watch a few minutes so to observe different techniques? After all, we're here to 'spice up our sex life'. May I suck Ur nipples while we watch? Would U like to stroke my dick & me rub Ur clit while we watch? That seems "HOT" to me. When we're hot enough, then we can "get it on, OK? |
2019-03-28 15:06:43 | My Swinging Parents_(0) | This is the 2nd time I've red a similar story where as a result of such a swap, the wife only would fuck 8" or bigger dicks, bypassing her husbands 6-7" altogether; But the swap was his idea. Looks like Amy may have made a similar mistake. Excited to see how it all progresses, especially between Amy & Chris. Also interested if the son gets involved? Good flow. Feel what Amy & Chris were thinking & doing should be in part 1. Both are upset by the outcome of passion between Tony & Kelly, but how are they going to react to each other is important, too, as well as to their reaction to their spouses passion toward each other!! This was suppose to be a vacation fun experiment, Tony (to me) has gone too far to suggest anything else except,"Do U want to do this again?" The "I love you"& " U're better than my wife." is out of place at this stage of the relationship. Kelly is also wrong to agree. What about the children & the yrs put into the marriages that exist? FICTION!! |