Comments from Dudley Dowrong

Date Story title Comment
2019-04-01 02:26:52 Creating My Hot Wife 7 The contrast of Ur 1st 20 yrs & the last 24 yrs is remarkable & awesome. I wish I had a better understanding how Alex w/ Ashley modified Ur attitude. I've missed that as well as Why U went to a "club" & Ur 1st "swap" there. I also missed the details about Kevin & Katy. When did I miss Ash's view of all this history? I can't "wrap my mind" around Ur chronologically of history. Where did I miss it?
Ur information is educational & great & as listed a true story & I believe it but, I feel I've missed something & can't find it!Still want to finish Ur series...
2019-04-01 03:28:05 Creating My Hot Wife 8 Seems to me except for Kevin being there with Katie, she was in a dangerous position (no condom - disease?) Now a club could require a clean couple to protect other members. Get my point? One story I read the female watched her target for a year before the invitation. That's getting to better know a guy rather than just pick up at a bar. In other situations, it's friends or relatives to experiment or in my case a motel clerk I had seen over a period of months before I even asked for dinner.getting to visit & know her a public place but private conversation.( not around her co-workers or a room) After we "connected" I went to another motel to protect us. We maintained contact for 9 yrs when I married my "now" wife...She helped make me a better husband & lover. I'm very thankful for her "no strings" stance (but not a one nite thing).I even thought we might marry after my former wife died but she didn't want that.
2019-04-01 04:01:20 Creating My Hot Wife 9_(1) U didn't get my vote on this one; blame upper management for voting restrictions
Thank you for more about Kevin & Katie. About all I can say I've already said in addition to some of my history & flustrations. Ur professional presentation along with the emotional appeal of Ur observations has been helpful to me. Thank you. I don't think of any helpful criticism to share with U. I don't need to repeat what I've already said previously. I look forward to Ch 10 wrap up! It's late; I'll try to finish tomorrow so I can vote. Anything else to say Ashley?
2019-04-01 12:45:48 Creating My Hot Wife 10_(0) Sorry, it's the next morning, but still "too many votes today", so U still don't get one
This may be a major factor on Ur ratings, especially the later chapters Readers who have an interest (especially about Alex, Susan, & Ash's viewpoint) just keep reading but can't vote. [We nee to discuss this with management}. I hadn't realized the expansion beyond 10 installments, I'm not going to stop.
If properly marketed, Ur book might become a best seller. Hopefully some of the comments will help make Ur book better; what's here is good (but so is missionary. ) How much better is a flip to cowgirl {as an example]..
I expected Ur 1st cocksuck to be to share it with Ash, & Ur 1st taste of cum to be from her lips, tongue or pussy (getting "Hot & ready" for Round 2 with her).
After U stop writing, I don't expect Ur story is finished.. Life goes on & sexuality is part of life !!! When someone get stressed by "life's bumps, potholds & needs", loving sex can reafirm ones "self worth"
2019-04-01 19:55:09 Creating My Hot Wife 11 After some errands, voted #10 & #11. Ur name reminds me of "Fiddler on he Roof" With my former wife, we played cards with another couple every Friday nite (her husband off Friday nite). So very privately she let me know she wanted to play (no penetration or cum in her mouth), so one Thursday eve I "dropped by" swapped oral, jacked for each other; When shot on my stomach her eyes widened; told her as a teen it shot over my shoulder (eyes & mouth widened more).Fingering herself to an orgasm, I shot on her again. Fri nite 4 of us playing cards, I "let it slip" that I had bedded my wife last nite. I'm not sure if it was revealing private info in mixed company or me shooting a 3rd time but she surely had a reaction. Built my ego! Also exciting, she & I had a secret no one else knew. She was glad to let me eat or finger her when convenient, more than my wife. The best of my masturbation experiences.
Excellent work, Thank you for sharing. Up #12 !!