Comments from archrevenant

Date Story title Comment
2009-05-21 06:56:34 lol, well if u ever wanna chat you can PM me by clicking on my name up the top. Or if its just my situation or my sexuality you wanna know about then i suggest you read my other story which is completely true which entails all of my sexual experiences from age 5 untill a few months ago. Either way, im glad i could help.
2009-05-25 21:02:03 Part 2 will be up tomorrow if my calculations are correct and part 3 will be up over the next 2 weeks. Check out my other stories in the mean time. Thanks. >.
2009-05-26 04:36:48 It's not uncommon. It sticks out like an erection but its not very hard or "erect".
2009-05-26 09:41:50 C'mon, vote it up. I used assonance! And alliteration! And metaphor! And simile! And poetry! Its alot better than some of the other shit stories on this site! No offence.
2009-05-31 08:28:08 Poor Grammar! What the fuck is up with that!!!!! Every sentence that you dont seem to understand is either just the way people talk over here or its an error made by Microsoft Word as its been spell-checked and proof read twice! So stick that up your ass!