Comments from archrevenant

Date Story title Comment
2009-06-27 19:45:23 lol, well, considering ive never had sex with someone more than 3 months younger than me and ive never had unconsensual sex i dont think im a sexual predator. Besides, if i was, i think writing about it instead of actually engaging in it is a much better way to go about it. Read the tags before you read a story.
2009-07-22 21:37:19 A very special 15th birthday part 1 That was shit. You tried so hard to make it sound like you knew lots of fancy words and it pulled away from the story way too much. Your grammar was poorly to say the least and your dialogue was quite unrealistic. Not to mention the fact that the story itself was boring.
2009-08-27 07:50:59 Hit the Showers_(0) Hey, I wrote a similar story called "Hitting The Showers" on here but this isnt it, i just read this story under a different title by a different author so if this is your story then you should report it.
2009-08-27 08:27:28 Alma: Part One That gave Andy a nice back story, he's clearly more experienced than the other two, lol. Umm, constructive criticism.....umm, a few typos, just need to watch that grammar, but i'll give it a positive anyway, im keen to read more.
2009-09-19 02:44:00 He didn't. He kicked it "in". It was bravado, he's cocky, and dramatic.