Comments from archrevenant

Date Story title Comment
2011-02-04 23:41:09 Question: Is all that mumbo jumbo in the comments things people have copied and pasted from my script? If so i guess you're just going to have to type it all out people.
2011-02-04 23:50:35 Okay, i just entered the glitched text into google and it came up with 2 arabic translated words, "burbler" and "muttered" but i dont think either of those mean good or bad???
2011-02-06 05:39:29 Oh, gee, thank you, i do feel honoured, really.
But you see, I write it as i see it in my head, and yeah, they were some pretty awkward scenes. Stilted even, i would agree. Thanks for rating! Don't add me on facebook. :)
2011-02-07 19:23:32 I cant believe some of these comments. The tags clearly state its a work of fiction. It's MY fantasy, ive always wanted to go to paris. Fucking a couple of french people is more likely to happen in france is it not? And i've read alot more unbelievable stories on this site, but isnt that why we're here? On the internet? To do the things we cant in real life? I mean, how often do complete strangers fuck for no reason? Dont take it so seriously, i wrote it for myself, i just thought i'd share it with you people.
2011-02-10 02:06:34 First two words i wrote were 'My fantasy'. Did i need to explain the characters' impulsiveness more thoroughly? Or should i have kept it to the main character's pov with the naivety and dream-like wonderment that made it work so well? They obviously made a call deciding he would go for it before they stripped down.