Comments from Fix'm
Date | Story title | Comment |
2011-05-18 19:38:33 | The "RED' hot lady next door | Outfuckingstanding story!!! Of course you realize that the next one has to be a foursome with the dad involved. -THX Fix'm |
2011-05-20 04:00:38 | the marine modification part one | Sorry - This story had great potential and still has, but it needs to be completely re-written from scratch. If you don't know how the military works then ask someone. There are enough jarheads that visit this site and the forums to provide you with whatever info you need and there is always the net to gather more info from. Oh! When you deal with Marines treat them with respect - something you didn't do. Semper Fi Fix'm |
2011-05-21 03:10:21 | TEASING WARS | I see the cretins have returned with their asinine comments, but then you really can't expect too much from such lowbrow mentalities. Good story that kept me right on the edge all the wat through. - THX Fix'm |
2011-05-30 02:46:18 | Hacking into my Aunts Computer | Well here is where I go against the stream - Blue, don't change a damned thing. I am currently so far in the sticks that I can't see a light anywhere and it took nearly 5 minutes to download your story and it was well worth the wait. THX Fix'm |
2011-05-30 02:59:22 | Claire's Punishment | Not all that good and far too short. All of us have to deal with the same limitations so learn to live with it. Fix'm |