Comments from crackedjaguar

Date Story title Comment
2012-09-11 20:53:36 Duquan's sister problem Chapter 1 The language was a little hard to follow really... but it was a good story
2013-01-11 21:53:19 Moms Club the First Saturday really really need to work on your structure it makes it damn hard to read..
2013-05-23 21:35:14 Take it All, My King Wow where to begin break up your story paragraphs are your friend. Giant wall of text is not your friend. Got a headache after the first break. Keep trying
2013-09-27 00:31:07 Chapter I -- Amy_(1) You nailed Erotic... Good job!
2013-09-27 00:34:37 Chapter II -- Mark Structure... you lost structure with your dialogue... Other than that I have no issue with your formatting... Oh sorry forgot to tell you I was trying to give you a critique... shit to work on the next time round... you understand.