Comments from crackedjaguar

Date Story title Comment
2012-01-07 12:28:19 My Sons Horny Friends...and Me. Not up to your normal standards amigo... a happy tale none the less but I think you have forgotten something
2012-01-23 23:15:18 The Brother and Sister Next Door r Not your best... need to work on content and formatting... good story line however
2012-02-08 14:26:37 Momma's new toy Ugh... not fond of that particular POV but if you like it run with it not too many folks can deal with that.
2012-06-05 23:49:35 The Girl Who Didn't Have A Mom proofread...or find someone who will...
2012-08-25 23:18:10 the family's new bitch Well someone is angry anyway... but some of your commentoers here are right... You need to work on Vocabulary and Spelling and Grammar... it takes so much away from the story.... Practice... rewrite ... not everyone can publish first drafts and have people like them...