2015-07-29 04:08:53 |
Starts with truth or dare pt2_(1)
a bit too rushed this time, so only 50% for this part. |
2015-08-08 20:36:27 |
Tell Mommy What You Want_(0)
the male should be dominant, yes, but, NOT CRUEL AND NASTY LIKE THIS... I dominate my wife, but, i am not cruel with it.. |
2015-09-05 23:54:02 |
Just Your Average Story_(1)
tried to read each story and found that they are just rubbish, all I read was half of the first chapter and gave up on them all. ESPECIALLY GENESIS.. |
2015-09-05 02:19:59 |
A Boy and his Genie - Chapter 02
And I thought divine succession was bad? This is even worse. |
2015-09-05 02:16:38 |
Divine Succession - Chapter 07
Just gone from readable to absolute rubbish, worst thing that you have written. |