Comments from StoryTrollin

Date Story title Comment
2013-04-17 17:36:32 I Raped the Prettiest Girl in School They know a single word in English. Impressive. They must also be a mathematician, wasting time to work out all the different combinations the letters can be placed in and still be comprehensible.

Why do people waste their time even thinking about posting something like this? Perhaps just to amuse the rest of us? Even if that were the objective, to say that they failed more miserably than bacteria would fail to discern between a pile of festering scabs and gourmet French cuisine be to explain it tactfully.
2013-04-17 17:37:30 I Raped the Prettiest Girl in School * Damn. "Is", not "be".
2013-04-17 17:40:19 Fuck that feels good I finally decided to make an actual profile so I could leave my mark on the "stories" that are complete junk.

The comment below? That was me, by the way; and, yes; that's what you should do. VVV
2013-04-17 17:44:36 pool fun For being called "Pool Fun", this malignant infection of a story doesn't live up to its name whatsoever. If I wanted to find crap, I would have gone to an outhouse. Any discovery there would not even be half as revolting as what's on my computer screen now.

At the very least, swimming in an outhouse would be more fun than sitting here scrolling endlessly across the page hoping for something remotely interesting to appear.
2013-04-17 17:48:37 sex in school with a black girl That bit down "thier" is bull shit? I think I liked it better than that bit up "thier". It was far more entertaining because it played tricks with my eyes instead of just making them swell with boredom.

How could this possibly be thought of as worthy for even an amateur site such as this? An entire waste of good cyberspace.