Comments from StoryTrollin

Date Story title Comment
2013-04-18 09:03:17 Locusts (edited) You know, it really takes effort to write a story with as little imagination and as incoherent as this. Why don't you put your energy towards something useful, like working in a sweatshop in China for instance. That way you'd be occupied in meaningful chores and spare yourself the embarrassment of telling us your 'dreams'.

If this is the best dream you possibly have then you need to get out more. Try actually interacting with another human being once in a while instead of sitting in your mother's basement with your left hand as company.
2013-04-18 09:15:42 Friendship Bribe What's next? Hopefully you deleting your account is what's next. This isn't anything remotely close to entertaining. Just exactly how stoned were you at your moment of brilliance? Honestly, I was far more thrilled by the comment below than by your poor excuse for a story.

Do us all a favour and quit while you're ahead, or go back and read some children's books for tips on providing useful literature.
2013-04-18 09:26:52 what ever happenz happens A short break from writing? I hope that means writing 'All About Me' stories for your second grade teacher, because this lousy, crap-filled cesspool certainly isn't worth anything more than that. It has all the intricate thought equivalent of cow cud.

Personally, I hope you take a permanent vacation next time. PLEASE!
2013-04-18 09:29:47 Alice the slut just wants cock! Alright, first off, Twilight itself was bad enough, but to continue the theme in this pathetic of a story just makes you look like a sad, weakest-of-the-weak human being. You really need to stoop so low as to get your ideas from someone else's work? Stephanie Meyer's ideas are the cream of the crop when compared to this hunk of malignant ooze.

Please tell me you didn't write more of this infectious refuse.
2013-04-18 09:37:35 Getting to know you Seriously? A survey on a site dedicated to aspiring writers? You want to find someone to sleep with for the night? Try a singles' bar or, if you're too destitute of self-esteem for that, a singles' website. There are plenty available. You don't need to parade yourself here, dipshit.