Comments from StoryTrollin

Date Story title Comment
2013-04-18 13:37:03 Equestrian reversal. The rider is ridden RP or not, this a horrible use of the English language. It's lazy, minimal effort like this that convinces me that not only is the education system in the country failing, the intent for which it is there is missed by most because of their staggering lack of intelligence.

What sane, sentient being could find demented topics such as this even remotely erotic has yet to be seen. Only those who suffer from mental deficiencies are likely to be enticed by crap and filth such as this.
2013-04-18 13:42:32 Learning To Eat Cum 1 How painful was the blunt force trauma that battered your brain and convinced you that writing is an option for you to consider as a future? You actually think this rotting dung heap of a story is convincing and worth the time of any reader? You could at least give a little description of the characters other than their physical appearance for hell's sake!

When you finally come to your senses, I hope you have the presence of mind to consider a different career.
2013-04-18 13:53:48 loco crazy Finally decided to create a profile for this purpose.

That was me, by the way. VVV
2013-04-18 14:21:15 Gay Cousin Sex_(2) I'm thinking this author failed first grade and then quit school, first commenter. As soon as I opened this story, I felt myself in absolute misery. How is a reader supposed to make heads or tails of this mouldering blob of cow crap? Is it any wonder why it is rated so low? The answer is no.

Why don't you keep you and your cousin's experiences to yourself so that you're not wasting valuable digital internet space that could be used for something useful such as pictures of cockroach feces?
2013-04-18 14:32:12 The Hunger Games: Part 1 You have an epic series such as the Hunger Games and then you write 'fan fiction' of this revolting calibre? Are you honestly serious? What sort of disease have you contracted that has rotted your intellect and allowed you to even consider this as a good idea?

Subject and ideas aside, it is so poorly written that only those in a comatose or vegetative state would be the ones to remain behind and hear it read to them. Even the mentally handicapped would have the presence of mind to run away screaming bloody murder.