Comments from StoryTrollin

Date Story title Comment
2013-04-18 14:38:47 XNXX HUNGER GAMES REDO I see that this is a 'redo'. I've looked at both. As if your first attempt wasn't horrific enough. Honestly, what is this absurd canker of a story that you have here? Did you just open the Hunger Games books to random pages and lift a word here and there, equally randomly? I've smelled dog shit that didn't reek this badly!

Did your parents taser you on a daily basis as a child or something? What else could explain the pathetic attempt at writing here? Go read some Dr. Seuss or something to increase your diction and reading level before your next attempt, alright?
2013-04-18 14:48:08 commitments Imagine the sound half a dozen kittens would make in a blender. I think that is the inspiration for what the author is attempting to convey in this glob of lizard feces, over and over and over again.

How mutilated is your brain? Are you so cognitively challenged that you think this is appealing in any definition of the word? And this is your SECOND story? Usually writing gets better with time, but I'm terrified to find out.
2013-04-18 14:51:38 Me and My Cousin_(9) Ok. I'm going to use very small words as much as I can because I don't think your brain can handle words larger than three syllables.

Garbage, you hear? What is the point of this pile of crap? I think you should put away your action figures and try some fresh air. It'll do wonders for your brain in the long run.

Did you understand that message ok?
2013-04-18 15:01:21 I use my family as cum buckets To be continued, you say? I sure as hell hope not. I've seen better stories in the toilet bowl as my piss swirls around in the water and makes oddly shaped letters! They make far more sense, too!

A totally incoherent, splatter of vomit. Pitiful in every degree.
2013-06-10 07:45:00 Angry Father Only a complete brain-dead moron could consider this a remotely good story. I mean, were you stung by nest of hornets when you were an infant and suffered permanent brain damage? Does abusing a 13-year-old girl seriously turn you on? What the hell is wrong with you!?

Other than that, the story is WAY too short to be of any worthwhile value, it is laced with several grammar and spelling errors which interrupt its continuity and the overall content is poorly considered. When considering to write another, maybe save yourself the embarrassment and chop off your fingers with the corner of a brick instead, alright?