Comments from StoryTrollin

Date Story title Comment
2013-09-11 08:59:57 DOG IMPREGNATES ME Did your parents use your head for target practice with bricks when you were a child? What sort of diseased lunatic does a person have to be to think this malignant piece of crap is anywhere remotely close to a good story? Just the pitifully failed use of the English language is an obscenity in and of itself. If it is not your first language, please study it until you are somewhat capable of conversational English before you try again.

Just the very content and idea of this story is absurd, unsound and revolting, even if it had been written by someone other than a person with a kindergartener's understanding of language. I could go on, but I hope the author gets my basic judgment: STOP WRITING NOW before you infect the entire world with such grotesque nonsense and garbage.
2013-09-11 09:11:42 Hannah - SHOWTIME MOM Have you ever heard the phrase, "Quit while you're ahead."? By the number of stories you've written, you must have been 'ahead' a long, long time ago and far behind by now. In fact, you're likely so far behind, you've been lapped twice and still THINK you're ahead.

Usually authors' talent increases with time. If this is your most recent work, I shudder at what your first measly, pitiful attempts at writing were like.

The rubbish depicted here is likely only sufficient to entice and entertain only the most sexually perverse delinquents in our society. Anyone with the slightest shred of evolved reasoning will know to avoid this unattractive smear of oozing feces on the wall of the internet like a contagious disease.

Please, PLEASE just stop, whether you're ahead or not.
2013-09-11 09:17:19 Mom Caught Me_(3) Taken all in all, it's alright. It's far fetched, but alright. There are enough redeeming qualities that the errors in syntax, grammar and sentence construction can be overlooked, but just barely.

I do encourage you to keep writing, though I sincerely hope you'll accept some constructive criticism when I say to keep educating yourself on what takes writing from good to great. Read books, study literature and practice your skills to hone them.

You have potential, which is far more than I can say for the great majority of authors on this site.
2014-01-14 02:41:38 My Little Princess_(0) Barely (and I do mean 'barely') capable of escaping my most critical review. I still think it's a pathetic attempt at writing something coherent, but it has just enough description to avoid being mutilated for that.

A single paragraph is in no way indicative of intelligent writing. Split it up or drive your readers into madness from trying to make heads or tails of the handful of decent sentences in there. Beyond that, learn where they go. By the time someone is finished second grade, they should at least have a basic understanding of that principle.

The content is terrible, also. An eleven-year-old that is magically and spontaneously desperate for sex? What sort of a nonsensical world do you think we live in? At least give her the benefit of hitting puberty. Maybe try defining the background or at least giving some history, too.

There is some potential, but very little. Redeeming qualities are lacking. Try again, if you feel you must. [shudder...]