Comments from jdm320

Date Story title Comment
2014-01-24 18:45:11 My True Childhood Experience oh the sweet innocence of youth. nice little story.
2014-02-04 20:59:31 "A Worthy Detention" Student and Principal typical..nothing erotic about this story at all.
2014-02-11 17:28:23 My 25 year old step sister I am sorry. I tried to read this story but the lack or punctuation, paragraphs and all the spelling errors distracted me.
2014-03-12 14:17:15 Little Preteen Toy Was hot until I read she was 8, that is very young. As for your writing, there were a few spelling errors, but not too many to take away from story.
2014-03-12 14:38:36 New Princess In Trade For Old hot little story. I hope this is not the end. A few spelling errors and switch from 1st person to third then back to 1st Would have liked to have seen better description of Stephs body.